

Jindong Craft

Packaging design concept


2024-08-13 11:40

Consumer psychology
Whether the goods have good sales performance must be tested by the market. In the whole marketing process, packaging plays a very important role. It uses its own unique image language to communicate with consumers and influence consumers' original intention. It is the first time that consumers see it interested in product packaging. It can promote success and lead to failure. Packaging without obvious power will drive consumers out. With the continuous development and improvement of China's market economy, consumers are increasingly mature and rational, and the market gradually exposes the characteristics of "buyer's market", which not only increases the difficulty of product marketing, but also increases the difficulty of product sales. Make packaging design meet unprecedented challenges, drive product packaging to grasp the consumer psychology of the public, and develop towards a more scientific and higher level.
Packaging has become the main marketing behavior in the actual business activities, which is inevitably closely related to the psychological activities of consumers. As a packaging designer, if you do not understand consumer psychology, you will be at a loss. How to attract consumers' attention, how to further stimulate their interest, and how to urge them to take the final purchase behavior must involve consumer psychological knowledge. Therefore, the study of consumer psychology and its changes is an important part of packaging design. Only by grasping and reasonably applying the consumers' psychological laws can we effectively improve the design quality, increase the added value of goods and improve the sales efficiency.
Consumer psychology research shows that consumers are divided into a large number of different consumer groups and their consumer groups due to their complex psychological activities, age, gender, occupation, nationality, education background, social environment and many other differences before and after purchasing goods. Consumer psychological characteristics are different. According to the survey results of China Social Survey Bureau (SSIC) in recent years, consumers' psychological characteristics can be summarized as follows:
1. Realistic Psychology
The main psychological feature of most consumers in the process of consumption is realistic psychology. They believe that the actual utility of goods is the most important. They hope that the product is easy to use, cheap and beautiful, and do not deliberately pursue the beauty of the appearance and novelty of the style. Consumer groups with realistic psychology are mainly mature consumers, migrant workers, housewives and elderly consumer groups.
2. The psychology of seeking beauty
Consumers with certain economic affordability usually have the mentality of seeking beauty, pay attention to the shape and outer packaging of the goods themselves, and pay more attention to the artistic value of the goods. The consumer groups pursuing beauty psychology are mainly young people and intellectuals, and the proportion of women in these groups is as high as 75.3%. In terms of product categories, the packaging of jewelry, cosmetics, clothing, handicrafts and gifts should pay more attention to the expression of aesthetic value psychology.
3. Seeking differences
Consumer groups with different attitudes are mainly young people under 35 years old. This consumer group believes that the style of goods and packaging is extremely important, emphasizing novelty, uniqueness and individuality, that is, the shape, color, graphics and other aspects of packaging are more fashionable and avant-garde, and they are not very concerned about the value and price level of the use of goods. In this consumer group, minors account for a considerable proportion of children. For them, sometimes the product packaging is more important than the product itself. In view of this kind of consumers can not be ignored, their packaging design should highlight the "novel" features to meet their psychological needs.
4. Integrated Psychology
Consumers with strong aspirations are willing to cater to fashion or imitate the style of celebrities, and the age range of this consumer group is large, because the vigorous publicity of fashion and celebrities by various media has promoted the formation of this psychological behavior. Therefore, the packaging design should grasp the fashion trend, or directly introduce the product image spokesperson loved by consumers to improve the reliability of products.
5. The psychology of seeking fame
No matter what kind of consumer groups, they have a certain reputation mentality, attach importance to commodity brands, and have a sense of trust and loyalty to well-known brands. Under economic conditions, it even insists on subscribing


Block B, Factory Building, Donghu Industrial Area, Haojiang District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province


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