

Jindong Craft

Good choice of gift boxes for Christmas packaging, no worries in the coming year


2024-08-13 11:40

When people choose goods, their first impression is often to buy fake goods. The packaging box has the effect of visual transmission, which can guide people to accurately identify goods and purchase goods, so as to realize the convenience that the packaging box brings to us. As long as the visual transmission effect of the packaging box is accurately applied to plan our own packaging box, the customer's purchase desire can be strengthened. The gift box factory tells you how to design the packaging box to achieve the visual effect.
Packaging box design
1. Visual Haptogenesis
All materials in the world are made of different materials, and different material profiles will lead to different tactile feelings and textures. Texture can be divided into two types: visual and tactile. Visual type is what we call visual touch. Visual touch and real touch are always the same as opposed to each other. Visual touch is just a reaction of real touch to one's resume. It is visual. Under this kind of premise, visual touch becomes a mark. This kind of mark is generated through the previous resume, and then compiled and transformed into a visual message, which guides and influences the later tactility decisively.
2、 Visual and tactile situations in packaging plan
The first visual tactile situation is formed by the texture of the packaging box material itself. It can feel soft, firm, smooth, rough and so on. Through the visual tactile sense of the packaging box material profile, it creates a sense of affinity and attraction between consumers, which has been widely adopted in many plans today; The second is a further innovation on the basis of the first one. It not only considers the material selection of its own packaging box, but also simulates the material and texture factors of the product in the packaging box on the outer packaging box of the product, so that consumers can get the cognition and recognition of the packaging box goods at the first time. Such recognition is achieved through the visual touch of the packaging box.         
3、 Means to complete the plan of visual tactile introduction into the packaging box
(1) In the planning of commodity packaging boxes, real materials and textures are applied to the materials of packaging boxes, such as tea packaging boxes, and bamboo or pottery are directly used to plan tea packaging boxes. This kind of method is also the most widely used method today, and it is also a traditional method.
(2) Adopt the method of imitation, and use other common packing box materials, such as paper, plastic, glass, etc., to imitate the product characteristics or a certain necessary texture to achieve visual and real tactile results. Through such a plan, create a visual message useful to consumers.
(3) Through three-dimensional printing skills to imitate certain texture visual results, visual tactile perspective can also be introduced into the packaging plan. In the final perspective, consumers can get the basic cognitive sense of the goods through the visual transmission of the packaging box, so as to decisively purchase the goods. For example, for a box of candy cartons, the profile is printed with the texture results of the cloth grain. The visual and tactile results it conveys are relatively mild and warm, reaching the expected results that the packaging box needs to be compatible with. But it is different from the latter two methods. It only has visual touch, while the latter two methods not only have visual touch, but also have real touch.
4、 Summary
The effect of visual transmission of the packaging box on the tension in the packaging box requires more profound research on the form of transmission. At the same time, we also learned that visual touch has universality and tension for people to decide an object tool, which is the way to understand the subjective existence between people and objects. Its universality includes the consumer's understanding process of the commodity packaging box. Therefore, the visual tactile perspective can be introduced on the visual transmission of the packaging box to guide the supply of the packaging box plan.


Block B, Factory Building, Donghu Industrial Area, Haojiang District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province


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