

Jindong Craft

What should be paid attention to in the packaging design of festival craft boxes


2024-08-13 11:40

We should know that every country in the world will have its own unique festival. At this time, there will be many corresponding product packaging designs. The design feature is to highlight the festival atmosphere, in order to better highlight the products. However, a particularly important information must be paid attention to in the packaging design of products for festivals, that is, "timeliness". What should be paid attention to in the packaging design of holiday products?

I don't know if you can understand this timeliness. Any festival will have a certain timeliness. Basically, two or three days will pass. If the designed package is expired, it will still be sold at a low price, which is not in the interests of enterprises. For example, the Mid Autumn Festival just passed. It is estimated that the products will be sold for at most one month before and after the launch, So if the enterprise asks the packaging design company to design the gift box packaging design or moon cake packaging design that must conform to the festival of the Mid Autumn Festival, or should it consider that this packaging can be used after a slight modification in the future traditional festivals? This requires that major enterprises must have a clear positioning, because many times the packaging design for festivals is short of timeliness, and sales are also subject to certain time limits.

You should know that the current society is changing very fast. Maybe today's product packaging design will not keep up with the market next year. Therefore, it is not sure that this year's packaging will sell well next year. This is mainly reflected in the changing market. Of course, yes, design also has its own view, that is, when designing product packaging, we must consider other festivals when designing gift box packaging design for traditional festivals, and try to design a gift box packaging that can be used in 2-3 festivals, which saves customers money and prepares for later sales.

Of course, these are just the ideas of the packaging design company. As for whether or how to achieve it, enterprises and design companies need to conduct comprehensive and comprehensive consideration and analysis, just like whether a food packaging design can be integrated into other festivals, but the packaging is not obvious.


Block B, Factory Building, Donghu Industrial Area, Haojiang District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province


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